Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

That's an easy question, ideas come from brains. Well no. Or they do actually but mostly ideas come from other thoughts and other thoughts come from experiences and experiences come from things that you do and... Anyway the point is that ideas come from thoughts. For example when people thought of flying and birds that fly etc., they came up with an idea to build a plane. And so they did and thanks to them we have planes now so that we can travel all around the world.


  1. Liked where you were going with the birds (I find amazing something so small as a bird could lead to something huge like a plane!), but I feel you could have added in a couple more examples.
    I completely agree with you, they DO come from brains! :P

  2. Your intro was awesome to "That's ... that you do and". I think you did a pretty good job on it but next time you could work on your ideas more and put a little bit more words with verbs as well. PS good idea for the brain part! XD
