Sunday, March 27, 2011

Molly from Rabbit-Proof Fence

So we've started watching the movie "Rabbit-Proof Fence" and it's mainly about 3 half caste aboriginal girls who are sent to a Gulag but escape shortly after arriving. Molly is the oldest girl of the three. So far we've gotten to a part where they had just escaped but we can already some traits of Molly being the hero. Since she is the oldest one she seems like kind of a leader. She seems to have very good tracking skills as we see in the very beginning of the movie where she catches a huge lizard by following it's trails. Molly is also the one who gets the idea to escape from the Gulag at first place and go back home. At first I thought that was kind of stupid idea and that Molly wan't very smart. However the reason she wanted to escape at right that moment was because she knew that the rain was coming and that it would cover their footsteps from the tracker who would come after them. This is another example of Molly being a good tracker. When the girls get to a river Molly puts down one of the girls bags to trick the tracker and make it look like they were going upstream even though they were actually going downstream. This also shows Molly's good tracking skills. Overall I have a feeling that Molly will be the hero in this movie due to her tracking skills and guide the girls back home where they were heading.


  1. I think this is a good blog post, but I think that you should have told us if she is a hero now or not. Also, you should have told us more about her traits as a hero, because heroes are usually seen as people that save other lives.

  2. Good response Rik. I think that you did state all the characteristics necessary for Molly to be a hero and I appreciate that you ANTICIPATE that she will be a hero by the end of the film.
