Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brunelleschi's courage

When Brunelleschi built the dome of Florence Cathedral he was very courageous. A dome that size had never been even planned to be built so when Brunelleschi was doing it people just thought he was crazy. Keeping in mind that this would be the first giant dome, Brunelleschi was courageous enough to take risks and face the concequences of failure if his dome was unsuccessful. Think about it. If you were commisioned to build something like that during the time when the engineering abilities were pretty low and you would have a big chance of failure due to those conditions, would you do it? Well that's a question Brunelleschi came upon when he was about to build the dome and sure enough he had the courage to take on the risks carry on the challenge. Fortunately it turned out successful and he was able to finish the dome which results in more advanced engineering. So thanks to his admirable courage the development of building strategies and engineering skills could be carried on.